How to Choose Stylish & Comfortable Women’s Shoes For Work

stylish comfortable women's shoes for work

Introduction The majority of us struggle to strike the perfect balance between wearing fashionable heels to work and recognizing that comfort comes first. Usually, we cave in and fall back to the old faithful flats. But what if you knew exactly what to shop for when choosing a pair? In this article, we will look […]

The 6 Organic Shoeshine Secrets You Need to know

Introduction Have you ever been running out the door to a meeting or event, only to realize your shoes look about as shiny as a mud puddle? You have to make a good impression but there’s no time to stop for a shoeshine (if you could find a shoeshine stand these days)! Have no fear! […]

6 Gigantic benefits of Outsourced Staffing For Trade Shows

Introduction Trade Shows are an excellent way to market your company and its products or services. According to, trade shows were the second largest source of B2B revenue in the US before the pandemic. And, estimates that value to climb back to 14.5 billion dollars by 2024. Along with the financial viability trade […]

5 undeniable reasons not to use outsourced event staff

Introduction In my last blog, I discussed the 6 Gigantic benefits of outsourced staffing. However, as with anything else in life, using outsourced event staff isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There are a few potential downsides to consider before making the decision to outsource.    I know this may come as a shock to see […]

7 Tantalizing Trade Show Booth Ideas to Boost Traffic

Have you ever wondered about the best way to generate more awareness and increase traffic for your trade show booth? We’ve got the top 7 Trade show Booth Ideas Guaranteed to Bring in the Crowds Introduction   According to Evo Exhibits, the top three reasons why businesses participate in trade show marketing events are to […]

5 Legendary Shoe Styles Every Man Should Own

shoe styles every man should own

When it comes to doing business, a man’s shoe style makes a powerful statement. It may be old-fashioned, but a nice shiny pair of well-kept dress shoes can give insight into a few character traits. A man’s shoes give insight into his taste and preferences. Shoe styles signify his socio-political status in society. You can […]

The trade show industry – my personal perspective

To start, I want to say I don’t hold a high status in the trade show industry and I don’t consider myself an exhibition marketing expert. However, I have been involved in trade shows and event marketing for most of my adult life. I have worked as a trade show model, a brand ambassador, a […]

6 Trade Show Strategy Tips for 1st Time Exhibitors

Are you new to trade shows and struggling to come up with the right strategy for your exhibition marketing? Our trade show strategy guide was written with you in mind! These simplified tips are just the thing to get you through your first show and on the way to shining success! There’s No Business Like […]

How To Shine Shoes – A Step-By-Step Guide

Introduction According to fashion icon Christian Dior, “You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes”. Truer words have never been spoken. However, as a shoeshiner, I would change Mr. Dior’s statement just a little.   “You can never take too much care OF your shoes once the choice has been […]