7 Tantalizing Trade Show Booth Ideas to Boost Traffic

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Have you ever wondered about the best way to generate more awareness and increase traffic for your trade show booth? We’ve got the top 7 Trade show Booth Ideas Guaranteed to Bring in the Crowds



According to Evo Exhibits, the top three reasons why businesses participate in trade show marketing events are to

  1. increase brand awareness
  2. create new business relationships
  3. target motivated leads

The problem most exhibitors face in executing these goals is in differentiating themselves from every other exhibit booth on the trade show floor. 

Exhibitor Live reported a few years back that the average attendee spends about 15 seconds at each booth. So, not only is it important to stand out from the crowd, but you also have to do it quickly in order to maximize engagement.  Having a way to grab the attention of passersby and get them to stop becomes even more important to your on-site trades show marketing strategy. 

This leads us to our first trade show booth idea…

Trade Show Booth Idea #1 – Create an Irresistible Visual Attraction 


People will be interested in you if you’re interesting. Simple enough, right? Nothing interests people more than an alluring visual attraction. The basics of trade show booth design will tell you to make sure your colors and lighting are on point and that you have great booth space. 

All great tips. The only problem is that everyone else there who is serious about their ROI has read the same blogs. What you need to figure out is how can I be the stand-out among 300 other well-lit, colorful booths with ideal floor space. 

The solution is to hire a model for your trade show booth. After all, who can resist a stunning model beckoning them over? Booth models are not only easy on the eyes but more importantly, they are experienced in promotional marketing and can be just the right hook you need to keep attendees engaged well after that 15-second window is over. 

attract more attendees with a shoeshine model


Want to go a huge leap further? Hire a Shoeshine Model. Shoeshine models provide all of the visual appeal and professional prowess of a traditional trade show booth model, but you also provide your guests with a needed service, one that they have to sit down for. This provides you with a captive audience and enough time to seal the deal!  


Trade Show Booth Idea #2 – Provide Entertainment for the Crowd


Another great trade show booth idea to make your trade show booth stand out from the crowd is to provide entertainment. There are all kinds of possibilities, from game shows to virtual attractions. The list is endless.

The thing to remember, when it comes to selecting entertainment is to make sure it is appropriate for your brand and venue. Magicians are a great trade show booth attraction, but may not be the right fit for some industries. The important thing is you want a booth attraction that provides the crowd with entertainment they will appreciate. 

A Shoeshine Model Service is a perfect attraction for all types of events and venues. If you’ve everShoe Shine Model and Stand experienced a professional at work shining shoes, you know that shining is as much about the performance as it is the result. It’s a choreographed routine that entails a lot of style and exaggerated movements designed to entertain as much as it is to produce a resulting shine.

And believe me, when the rag’s poppin’ people are noticing. Not only is the guest in the chair observing this take place, but others walking by are too! Before you know it, you’ll be the host with the most!


Trade Show Booth Idea #3 – Give them something free!


There’s no doubt that offering promotional swag can draw attention to your brand or event. Everyone like to get something for free. RafflePress reports that giveaways lead to conversions of almost 34%

I’m sure you’ve seen people walking around the trade show floor with bags overflowing with free swag. People line up to get it,  but seldom do they think about it after they get home (how many free pens or mouse pads do you have tucked away in drawers?). Unless you’re giving away free cars or MacBooks, people are more likely to remember experiences, not things.

So why not go a step further than giving away free stuff by offering a complimentary service. Even the word “complimentary’ sounds more elegant and special, doesn’t it? A complimentary Shoeshine Service adds a touch of class to any trade show booth and provides a pleasurable experience for your guests. They are sure to remember you long after the coffee mug is relegated to the back of the cabinet.

Trade Show Booth Idea #4 –  Captivate Your Audience


Not only do you need a reason for attendees to stop at your trade show booth, but you also want them to sit and stay a while. Having a great elevator pitch goes a long way, but being able to fully engage your prospects can make closing sales much easier. You want to use attractions and entertainment that engage your trade show booth guests long enough for you to cover your brand message. 

Raise Brand Awareness

By inviting guests over for a shoeshine, you open up a much larger window of time to discuss your product or service. A shoeshine model can also act as an ambassador for your brand in the event you’re too busy talking to other attendees.

Trade Show Booth Idea #5 – Evoke an emotional response.


As Zig Ziggler always said, people buy on emotion and justify with logic. A trade show booth attraction that creates a positive emotional response causes the buyer to let their guard down and be more open to your message. It can also go a long way in developing rapport with your audience. 

Vintage Shoe Shine Chair


Shoeshines create a feeling of nostalgia, and we all know that emotion drives actions. Shoe shines offer a chance to reminisce on dad’s old shoeshine box or to imagine the old days when there was a shoeshine stand on the corner (or in the airport nowadays).




Whatever the memory, most people are familiar with the art of shoe shine and are in amazement that they can actually receive their very first (or their 100th) shine right there on the showroom floor! You will always be remembered for giving them that experience.

Offering such a nice gesture tends to open guests up to hearing your message. The best part is that they then go and tell others, and before you know it you’ll be the talk of the show!

Trade Show Booth Idea #6 – Provide A Retreat For Tired Guests


This is one that many exhibitors don’t think about but can be a huge factor in attracting people to your trade show booth.  A study by exhibitsurveys.com (now Freeman.com) found that attendees spend about 9 hours/day on the show floor (Excalibur Events). That’s a lot of walking and standing, and can be very tiring, especially in dress shoes or heels!

Providing a nice comfortable shoe shine chair and engaging conversation offers guests and attendees a break from the hustle and bustle going on around them. It also provides you the perfect opportunity to chat them up. 

Trade Show Booth Idea #7 – Provide Guests with Eye Catching Marketing Material 

The right marketing material goes a long way in having prospects remember you. But we don’t want your everyday flyers and business cards. Your marketing material needs to be a cut above the rest. At the end of the day, when attendees dump the bags of free swag and pamphlets out on their hotel bed, your need to jump out and grab their attention one more time. 

The Shine Times Event Newspaper

Divine Shine Models provides each guest with a vintage-style “newspaper” that we customize to include your brand message and highlights of your products and services. “The Shine Times” will show them the amount of thought you put into planning, and will convey the message that you will put the same effort into servicing their needs.


Whatever your trade show booth attraction may be, use these tips and we guarantee your exhibit will be the highlight of the show floor. 

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and check out the rest of our tips, tricks, and advice to make your events shine at The Shine Blog from Divine Shoe Shine Models!

If you’re looking for a quality event service that will make your trade show exhibit shine, Divine Shoe Shine Models is the solution you’re looking for! Divine Shoe Shine Models provides you with a full exhibit service all in one shining package.

You get…

1.     An event model;

2.   A booth attraction service;

3.   A spokesmodel for your brand;

4.   and custom trade show marketing materials

Contact us today and mention code “Shine Blog” for your special show rate!


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